Everyone knows that long ago the era of technology has already begun.
And all these technologies influence each area of human life.
Education is no exception. New forms of learning as well as new contents
are being used worldwide, and they have already proven their efficiency.
So, the educational revolution has started, and we want to bring it to Moldova!
To do this, we are going to build a wide partnership network which will connect
top universities, organizations and companies that are eager to share their
experience in the dual education domain and open for cooperation.
Our main partners are J-WEL and AECT.
J-WEL (Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab) is an initiative of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Community Jameel. The main goal of the lab is to promote excellence and transformation in education at MIT and worldwide. Nowadays, J-WEL is one of the hugest “motors” leading the world to scalable changes in education.
AECT (Association for Educational Communications and Technology) is a professional association of instructional designers, educators and professionals who provide leadership and advise policy makers in order to sustain a continuous effort to enrich teaching and learning.
Not only with these two partners, but with much more organizations, companies and institutions we are going to establish collaboration for research, experience exchange, coaching, etc. We believe that it is hardly possible to change something when you are alone, therefore we are going to create a huge team of co-thinkers in order to consolidate all the powers that we have and to move altogether in one direction.